Welcome to Kids Jungle Child Care and Preschool Narara.
We look forward to a happy and rewarding partnership with you and your child as we assist in guiding your child’s venture into early education.
At Kids Jungle we offer extended hours of care and cater for children 0 – 6 years. The centre operates from 6:30am – 6:30pm Monday to Friday, to cater for the needs of working parents. We prepare children for school offering a preschool environment for the child’s early education and care.
The centre also offers nutritional meals for the children including breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a light evening meal.
Kids Jungle Child Care & Preschool is much more than just a childcare centre. We are an extended family where your child will be valued, respected and nurtured. Our qualified team encourages every child to grow, learn and develop and leave our centre reaching milestones. Each child will learn to spread their wings and leave us to continue their journey into their schooling life feeling confident and prepared.
From the minute you visit our centre you will be welcomed and feel a sense of confidence.
Our service has an open door policy, which means that you and your family are welcome to visit the service at any time.
Who We Are
Kids Jungle Long Day Care and Preschool
The way we teach in the early years must always be done with an eye to the future learning and wellbeing of our children as they travel through their schooling. We want children to develop skills that will last a lifetime, upon which a life will grow and thrive.
Kids Jungle Long Day Care and Preschool provides a vibrant and stimulating world of education and care. Our focus is on developing each child’s self-discovery, social awareness and interest in learning.
The nurturing environment of Kids Jungle provides children with an effortless transition to our School Readiness Program, which commences the year before children leave for Kindergarten.
Our experienced educators aim to provide children with access to learning about their health and wellbeing, lay the foundations for early literacy and numeracy skills, provides access to technology and facilitate opportunities for community and social interactions.
At Kids Jungle, children will participate in investigations as co-creators of understanding.They will develop a sense of wonder about the world and an ability to contribute to the generation of knowledge.
The focus at Kids Jungle is on harnessing the unique spirit of each child to ensure that they come to see learning as a worthwhile activity with its own rewards. Children will engage in a wide range of activities designed to promote inquisitiveness, creativity, imagination, and self-reflection.
Our Program
Kids Jungle preschool, we all feel determined to make your child happy and enriched in both logic and creativity!
Dolphin room
Turtles Room
Our Team

Caroline Gawargy
As the Centre Director, I believe that the early years are the most influential in extending and enriching children’s development and education. I believe in a program that has a foundation of learning through play, both indoors and outdoors, in which children are encouraged to make choices and extend their own learning.
I also recognise the importance of families, being the primary influence in a child’s life. I aim to continually develop and maintain collaborative and open partnerships with all families and as such promote an open-door policy.
At Kids Jungle I have a passionate and dedicated team of educators who are invested in each child’s wellbeing. Their constant positivity and hard work makes Kids Jungle an incredible working environment. We work together to form a team who respect, value each other and share knowledge and skills to provide an environment where children feel safe but are also challenged.
Caroline Gawargy

Belinda Lindley
I believe that all children are all individuals. Each have their own personality that grows from their home life and experiences. I endeavor to support each and everyone of them to achieve their goals and meet their challenges in life with positivity and resilience.
I believe the care and respect that we give a child in the environment of childcare is an extremely important one and that it should reflect the wants and needs of their families.
“It is vital that when educating our children’s brains that we do not neglect to educate their hearts, a key element of which has to be the nurturing of our compassionate nature.”
Dalai Lama
Belinda Lindley

Megan Bennett
Each child is a unique individual and as an early childhood educator, I strive to provide activities that encourage excitement and exploration for the children in my care.It is important to me that I provide a variety of planned and structured activities, focused on the children’s current interests, strengths and developmental milestones, while also allowing the opportunity for free play and children’s guidance in their own learning.
At each developmental milestone children are learning the skills they need for life and as an educator it is my belief that I am here to guide them on their journey.I endeavour to foster strong relationships with the families of the children in my care to ensure that I am meeting their expectations in regards to their children’s growth and development. As an educator it is important that I continue to grow and as such I am constantly furthering my skills and knowledge through experiences and study.
Megan Bennett
Kids Jungle is now taking enrolments.
Please contact the centre to see our special offer.
To ensure the system of allocating vacant places is fair, the Australian Government has “Priority of Access Guidelines”. These are used when there is a waiting list for a child care service or when a number of parents are applying for a limited number of vacant places.
The Guidelines are:
Priority 1 – A child at risk of serious abuse or neglect.
Priority 2 – A child of single parents who satisfies, or of two parents who both satisfy the work/training/study test under section 14 of the Family Assistance Act.
Priority 3 – Any other child.
Within each category, the following children are to be given priority:
• Children in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders families.
• Children in families which include a disabled person.
• Children in families with a non-English speaking background.
• Children in socially isolated families.
• Children of single parents.
Under these guidelines, we may require a Priority 3 child to vacate a place for a higher priority child. If this is required, we will give you 14 days notice however we will attempt to accommodate all families as best we can. When a vacancy arises at the centre, working families will be given priority for that vacancy.
Please contact the centre for availabilities.
7 Eve Street, Narara, NSW, 2250
(02) 4325 2958
0424 179 522
Operational Hours:
6:30am – 6:30pm (Monday – Friday)